Have you ever experienced hearing a high-frequency sound or something similar to ringing, buzzing, or humming? That might be tinnitus. Whether you have been diagnosed with tinnitus or are still trying to figure out what could be the cause of that pesky “ringing in your ears,” this blog aims to shed light on what could […]
Browsing this page is no coincidence. Chances are, you may be exploring the idea of getting a hearing aid or looking for practical tips and info on how to choose the hearing aid that would work best for you. As audiologists, we know how overwhelming to navigate the different types of hearing aids on the […]
Hearing loss is a prevalent condition that affects many people worldwide. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including aging, genetics, noise exposure, and certain medical conditions. By identifying the type of hearing loss you have, it is easier for you to manage your condition and receive the appropriate treatment. In this blog, […]
Hearing aids are essential because they help individuals with hearing loss improve their ability to hear and communicate. They help amplify sounds, making them louder and easier to hear, which can significantly improve the quality of life for those who rely on them. With the use of hearing aids, it is easier for people with […]
The onset of hearing loss usually occurs gradually but in some cases, some individuals may also experience sudden hearing loss. Getting a hearing test is the initial step you must take for any hearing problems. Audiologists are trained to perform hearing tests to prevent further hearing damage and develop the appropriate treatments for your specific […]
Hearing noises that aren’t there. Another sleepless night. Distracting noises. Ear pain that won’t go away. Are these familiar to you? Before you worry that you might be hearing “phantom noises,” you might be interested in knowing the first signs of tinnitus. Tinnitus is the perception of disturbing noise in one or both ears that […]
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